Welcome to contact us! Our support is freely available to all researchers, employees, and students at Malmö University. Below, you will find contact details for the MaU Innovation team. If you’re uncertain about whom to contact or have a general inquiry, don’t hesitate to email us at innovation@mau.se

Charlotta Nordenberg
Manager, MaU Innovation
Phone: +46 040-6658202
Email: charlotta.nordenberg@mau.se
Joa Falke
Business Developer
Student innovation and
the Faculty of Technology and Society
Phone: +46 040-6658274
Email: joa.falke@mau.se

Camilla Norberg Hansen
Innovation Advisor
The Faculty of Education and Society
/ the Faculty of Culture and Society
Phone: +46 040-6658649
Email: camilla.norberg.hansen@mau.se
Érica Toft
Innovation Advisor
The Faculty of Health and Society
/ the Faculty of Odontology
Phone: +46 040-6658636
Email: erica.toft@mau.se

Pablo Vilches
Project Manager
Storm Innovation Hub
Phone: +46 040-6658258
Email: pablo.vilches@mau.se
Jenny Levhag
Project Manager
Phone: +46 040-6657892
Email: jenny.levhag@mau.se

Anna Bogeskär Brandt
Project Manager
Phone: +46 040-665 80 84
Email: anna.bogeskar.brandt@mau.se
Henrik Wiebe
Legal officer
Phone: +46 070-740 19 46
Email: henrik.wiebe@mau.se