Event Nyttiggörande Societal Impact Lab

Social Impact Canvas

Workshop: Enhancing Societal Impact with The Social Impact Canvas

Welcome to an engaging workshop about social impact and how to identify measures to understand the impact of your work. During this workshop, you can explore The Social Impact Canvas, a research-based intuitive tool, designed by Professor Pille Pruulman Vengerfeldt.

Storm A122, Orkanen Malmö University

October 22, 09.00-12.00

With The Social Impact Canvas, you’ll define the specific social impact of your work, not only the commonly pressing injustices, such as climate change or human rights, but rather the social impact as you define it. The Social Impact Canvas also helps you to consider how to measure and understand the impact, how to find adequate measurement instruments, and how to consider different kinds of data as part of your work.

The workshop is part of Malmö University’s Societal Impact Lab, an idea development lab dedicated to supporting the practical application of research for sustainable societal benefits.

The activity is open to all researchers and doctoral students at Malmö University. Join us to enhance the societal impact of your research and contribute to long-term sustainable benefits for society. We look forward to your participation!

Facilitator: Professor Pille Pruulman Vengerfeldt

Please RSVP to this workshop by confirming your participation to Camilla Norberg Hansen, Program Coordinator for MaU Societal Impact Lab: camilla.norberg.hansen@mau.se

Societal Impact Lab

Deltagare SIL

Möt forskarna i Societal Impact Lab 2024/2025

Under hösten 2024 inleds en ny fas i Malmö universitets forskningsengagemang genom etableringen av Societal Impact Lab. Det flervetenskapliga labbet samlar forskare från fem olika institutioner, vars forskningsresultat adresserar centrala samhällsutmaningar.

Labbet ska fungera som en katalysator för att utveckla och konkretisera forskningsresultat med målsättningen att omvandla dessa till hållbara och implementerbara metoder, processer och tjänster som kan integreras och tillämpas i samhället. Under perioden 2024/2025 kommer forskargruppen gå igenom en process av behovskartläggning, idéutveckling och reflektion med ambitionen att bidra till samhällets fortsatta utveckling och välfärd.