
FutureMakers 2023

Crowning the FutureMakers of 2023: Creative Solutions for a Sustainable Future

All winners of FutureMakers 2023

Last autumn, Malmö University, in a proud collaboration with Sparbanken Syds Foundation, initiated an inspiring challenge designed exclusively for Malmö University students. The mission was clear: to spark creativity, promote innovative approaches, and encourage entrepreneurship towards a sustainable future. FutureMakers provided Malmö University students with a unique opportunity to unleash the potential of their ideas, compete for a generous prize of 50,000 SEK, and witness their visions come to life.

A total of 56 ideas were submitted, showcasing the diverse talents and inventive spirit of Malmö University students. Following a tough selection process, 10 outstanding ideas advanced to the grand finale, representing all five faculties at Malmö University: Teaching and Society, Culture and Society, Technology and Society, Health and Society, and the Faculty of Odontology. 

The finale, which occurred on 12 December at Malmö University, culminated in months of hard work and creativity. The 10 finalists addressed crucial societal challenges, ranging from electricity consumption and language learning to discrimination in education, sustainable consumption and production, health management, competence development, and dental care.

The winning ideas were not only creative but also addressed pressing global issues. The prize of 10,000 SEK for the Best Presentation was awarded to the team behind “CLAIRE.” This idea emerged from the current culture of electronic product consumption marked by a throwaway mentality. Recognizing the escalating issue of e-waste, the students focused on extending the life cycle of the toaster through easy cleaning, demount ability, and flexible design. However, The impact of “CLAIRE” extends beyond toasters, potentially transforming the design and production of various small home electronics for a more sustainable future.

The team behind Claire.
The team behind Claire: Axel Holm, Peter Trägårdh, Joel Fast, Ellen Jönsson and Malin Lindqvist.

The most innovative idea, earning a prize of 15,000 SEK, was “Merely Emissions.” The concept tackles the environmental impact of greenhouse gases generated by the internet, surpassing even the aviation industry. “Merely Emissions” introduces a web app allowing companies to analyze their websites, emphasizing emissions and reducing IT waste. The app’s threefold approach includes analysis and reports, continuous monitoring, and collaborative work, offering a chance to decrease the demand for hardware and contribute to environmental preservation.

The team behind Merely Emissions
The team behind Merely Emissions: Ellie Fagerberg och Arvid Berndtsson

The idea with the biggest Societal Impact, receiving a prize of 25,000 SEK, was “Ömsa.” This digital platform addresses contemporary challenges related to consumption and production, challenging the norm of money as the primary means of acquiring goods. “Ömsa” reintroduces the age-old practice of bartering, promoting sustainable consumption and a circular economy. By facilitating exchanges rather than direct purchases, “Ömsa” aims to reduce overconsumption and redefine societal norms surrounding the value of goods. The winning team of “Ömsa” expressed their gratitude for the competition, stating:

Futuremakers gave us the opportunity to refine our idea and develop the skill to convey our vision. The competition would have been worthwhile even if we hadn’t won any prize!

Teodor Esaiasson and Teodor Juncke
The team behind Ömsa
The team behind Ömsa: Teodor Esaiasson and Teodor Juncke

FutureMakers has not only encouraged creativity but has also become a catalyst for positive change, showcasing the immense potential within Malmö University’s student community. As these ideas continue to evolve, they hold the promise of contributing significantly to a more sustainable and creative future.

FutureMakers at Malmö University is organized in proud collaboration with the Sparbanken Syds Foundation, which aims to support good ideas close to you.


Ett år i rörelse

Ett år i rörelse:
Nomadliv väntar Storm 2024

Flyttlådor, färg och verktyg i ett rum

Storm förbereder sig för flytt. Efter sex otroliga år på Gäddan ger vi oss ut på ett nytt äventyr. Vi accepterar det sorgliga men samtidigt spännande med att bryta upp och flytta. Framför allt gläds vi åt möjligheten att utforska och skapa något nytt för framtiden.

Alla detaljer kring den nya Stormmiljön är ännu inte på plats men vi arbetar flitigt med att skapa ett temporärt utrymme på Orkanen, där mindre workshops och utvecklingsmöten kan arrangeras. Målsättningen är att flytta in i permanenta lokaler som är lika livfulla, kreativa och uppskattade som de vi har haft på Gäddan, inom ett år. Till dess kommer vi som arbetar med Storm att leva nomadliv. Det kräver agilitet, kreativitet samt anpassningsförmåga, och vi ser fram emot ett år i rörelse.

Önskar du information om det senaste kring flytten, de nya lokalerna eller när bokningen öppnar igen?

Innan vi lämnar…

En sol som bryter igenom molnen på himlen.

Välkomna på gravkaffe på måndag, den 27 november. Mellan 11.00-15.00 står Storms dörrar öppna för den som vill komma och ta farväl, dela minnen, blicka framåt, eller bara vara. Förtäring enligt Storms fikastandard kommer att finnas.

Missa inte heller vår pågående “Storm in Residence” på bottenvåningen av Niagara. Fram till den 7 december utforskar vi ett nytt rum och bjuder in alla att komma förbi och skapa tillsammans.


Matilda Lindberg

Matilda Lindbergs forskningskommunikation har tagit henne till final i SGroup PhD Cup 2023

Matilda Lindbergs forskningspitchar har rönt stora framgångar genom åren. Hennes både betydelsefulla och nyskapande forskning belyser vikten av barns medskapande i idrott och hälsa. Forskningen visar på värdet i att tillåta barn utforska sitt eget inflytande genom kreativitet och fantasi, något hon själv också tagit fasta på i sin forskningskommunikation.

Med stöd från Mau innovation har Matildas senaste presentation om sin forskning nu nått finalen SGroup PhD Cup 2023, arrangerad av SGroup Universities Network.